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The Center for Sustainable Cities : Research

Over 25 years ago, Richard S. Levine and his colleague Ernest J. Yanarella, founded the Center for Sustainable Cities at the University of Kentucky. Through two decades of international research and development projects, the Center has identified the city-region as the scale at which homeostatic relationships between social, environmental and economic issues can reach dynamic balance. This research resulted in the formation of an Operational Definition of Sustainability--a still unmatched achievement in the field of sustainability theory. The Operational Definition served as the underpinning of the Aalborg Charter, part of the United Nations Agenda 21 framework for the delivery of local sustainable development. The CSC Design Studio offers unparalleled integration of cutting edge community environmental stewardship and affordable ecological design. This pioneering work is the foundation of urban development projects in China, the Middle East, Austria, Italy, and the United States.

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