- It Takes a Village
- The Sustainable City Game
- Designing the Future Sustainable City
- The Proto-Sustainable Chinese Village as Generator of the Future Chinese City
- Thesaurus of Sustainability
- Generating Sustainable Towns from Chinese Villages: A Systems Modeling Approach
It Takes a Village:
A Scientific Design Process for Generating Sustainable Cities in China
Richard S. Levine, Michael T. Hughes, Casey Ryan Mather
ABSTRACT: The recently completed European Commission sponsored SUCCESS project studied
rural villages in six Chinese provinces from a sustainability perspective. With as yet few inroads from
the larger unsustainable Chinese economy, the villages are excellent living exemplars of an almost
complete proto-sustainable economy, albeit at no longer acceptable levels of development and
opportunity. The form of the villages, their households, and their agricultural allotments create a
visual record of their material economy. Systems dynamics models of these village economies were
created to experiment with many "what if" scenarios for future development. At first, inherently
unsustainable aspects of village life (fossil fuels, agricultural chemicals, etc.) were replaced in the
models with comparable sustainability oriented means. Through a civil society, sustainable scenariobuilding
process the farmers were able to understand both the consequences of their current
activities as well as a range of their future prospects. The researchers were then able to extend this
multiple scenario building process to sequentially enlarge these sustainable village models to the
scale of towns and eventually cities. Through this Scientific Design Process, it thus becomes
possible to project new, modern, sustainable city models rooted in Chinese circumstance and
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The Sustainable City Game:
Systems Dynamics Modeling Toward a Democratic Urban Design Process
Richard S. Levine, Michael T. Hughes, Ernest J. Yanarella, Casey Ryan Mather
While it has become a buzzword at global conferences, within the scientific and design communities,
and among policymakers at a variety of levels, sustainability has largely remained an abstract concept whose
abstraction, on the one hand, has served to gather wide-ranging support, but on the other hand, has not been
useful in achieving its implementation. The Center for Sustainable Cities in collaboration with Oikodrom,
the Vienna Institute for Urban Sustainability, has developed an operational definition of sustainability at the
scale of the city-region as a participatory, balance-seeking design process.
Our scenario-building design process of sustainable cities is informed by systemic feedback
generated by the Sustainability EngineT, a software utility under development at the University of Kentucky
that combines systems dynamics modeling software with the functionalities of intelligent CAD, GIS, and
facility management programs. This design process, or what call the Sustainable City Game, is a
democratic method for the generation, governance, and management of sustainable cities in which
stakeholders may place any desire on the table, but in order for a given proposal to move forward in the
iterative process it must be embedded in a scenario that on a systemic level is approaching balance.
The Sustainable City Game will be explored in the context of two case studies. First will be an
examination of a Sustainable Urban Implantation designed for the overbuilding of Vienna's Westbahnhof
railroad yard wherein new urban models were developed that are particularly well suited to the flexible urban
design process of the Sustainable City Game. Second, will be an investigation of the European Commission
sponsored SUCCESS research project wherein seven proto-sustainable Chinese villages were studied and
their metabolisms were projected forward as future sustainable cities through the utilization of an early form
of the Sustainability EngineT.
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